Hello & Welcome To My Website, I'm Jack!
I make videos repairing, modifying, showing off & building cars in my spare time!
Cars have always been a passion of mine but in the past few years, I have taken a real interest in modifying & repairing them.
In 2020, before COVID-19 kicked up a storm, I started filming my car adventures and uploading them to the internet.
I can happily say, depsite the stress of a weekly upload, it has been really enjoyable and has widended my skillset tenfold,
not just mechanically but also with regards to filming, editing & marketing!
This site serves as an online shop where you can buy products that will directly support me and the channel,
allowing me to continue making videos and hopefully tackle some cool project cars.
Aswell as an online shop, it is a place for me to write this very "About" section so you can get to know me some more.
In the future, I plan to bring a small blog onto here to write up about some projects so I have something to read back,
aswell as the videos of course!
I do also post almost daily updates on life on my Instagram story, so be sure to follow me there: @GrindingGearsOfficial
So sit back, relax and get your teeth sunk into some of my videos!
If you're new, make sure you subscribe, it truly means the world!
Website Designed & Developed By Grinding Gears
Copyright © Grinding Gears